Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bird in the Hand

Today's society is such a give me give me society. I want what I want no matter the cost. I was asked what allows a man to have a wife and hold tight to a girlfriend? My answer to them was simply...greed.

Most people want more than they can have. The one issue is they hate the risk involved to go for it all. The old saying is "A bird in hand beats two in the bush." The outside the box thinking process says why not the bird in hand and the two in the bush?

When folks have their needs taken care of, they began to look for their wants to be taken care of too! The greed of one will lead to the destruction of many lives. I know the normal theme is cheating with a person. But this could be hanging out with friends and ignoring home. It could be putting faith into drinking and gambling instead of talking to your mate.

Because someone is there for you doesn't mean they will always be. You can put your trust and faith into people that you take for granted and one day...they will wiggle their way out of your hand. People can only take so much.

So no matter what else you want, it's best you take care of your need first. That would be the bird that's in the hand.

Armed and Unskilled

In the wake of one of the biggest tragedies in US history, many teachers are taking firearm training to protect themselves in the classroom. I'm sure the educators are scared for their safety and the safety of the children, however I'm not sure if this is the best idea.

Why do I appear to oppose to this...lets look at this. There's two elements that must be considered. On the one hand there is a classroom full of inquisitive children, secondly you have an educator that's not used to handling a firearm. I believe we can see the potential mess that we have here.

So I hear the gun can be locked away but how useful is that? If it is not fully secured perhaps the inquisitive children would get it. I think we need to trust in the qualified people to do this. This is what law enforcement train for. Americaonthesoapbox.blogspot.com Today's blog: Stand Up For You! Maybe instead of stretching the police and their resources even more thin. We have the National Guard at our disposal so why not them?

We are an emotional society especially when it involves our kids. However putting guns in the hands of the untrained is a huge mistake. It's more to using a firearm than pulling the trigger. When being attacked its more to surviving than to just pointing and shooting. Imagine if they hit a child, how do you insure this, what will the liabilities be like? Do teachers have to get malpractice insurance now? We count account for the reality when it becomes real.

I understand the hurt, emotions and fear, but what we can't do is throw those on the front line that are...Armed and Untrained.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Stand up for You

No reason to stay, is a good reason to go. In so many relationships we not only lack but we even accept it as "is what it is!" What sense does that make in the pursuit of happiness?

I personally had a lot of rabbit in my blood. She acts up and I was out! I had such a low tolerance for someone who's not feeling me. I heard the "we grew apart " speech and that's understandable...so my question was "why are you still here?" If we are not each others completion...then why are we here?

Women have a longer leash when it comes to their toleration level with foolishness. I say it all the time but it should be included in the dang national anthem..."People play too much!" If you ain't all in be all out!

People try to hold on to comfortable, they are getting all the benefits and let's not forget they believe feel the emotions and feelings will come back. Whatever! Life is short and burning faster than a short candle with the wind blowing.

The truth is, we need to know when to walk away, ignore the alligator tears and start over. Stuff happens but we have to love ourselves enough to set a standard and not allow less. When we comprise what we know will make us happy, it's guaranteed at some point to make us sad.

Nobody knows you like you. So do yourself a favor and stand up for you.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Be You!

I was looking at some photos on a social network and it was a very interesting look at women and what they present to the world. Sure everyone can do what they want to do but at the same time people don't have to respect you. It's a bit confusing and mixed signals when women dress jump off type but demand to be seen as a wifey type.

It's no doubt about it that men will gawk and whistle and don't forget ask for the phone number. But what do you think that really means? It's disappointing to see women put themselves on display to actually be judged, but they say they don't care what anyone thinks. I have rarely spoken to a woman that does not care how she looks in public. It goes against everything in which a woman is.

The dignity mantle have been dropped by so many women. Sexy doesn't have to be the equivalent of sex and women don't have to look for sale to be sexy. Real men don't mind women leaving themselves to the imagination. Men that really care, don't have to see all of your assets along with the rest of the world. Beauty is not about makeup and the way you dress, beauty is who you are as a person. One day the makeup, the short tight clothes and the super high heels will all be off. What happens then? What's wrong with being you? If you end up in a relationship with someone, wouldn't you want them to love the real you?

People will accept who you are or they won't. But you presenting who you aren't will not keep him nor will it be the truth. You can't find the one for you if your showing them someone else so....Be you.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Political Parties

In the wake of the Presidential elections, how do we really feel about politicians? Do we truly believe they have our best interest at heart? Or just winning and fattening their pockets? Is there a such thing as an honest politician? I even dare to ask the question; Have political parties outlived their usefulness? Seriously! Are we to believe all politicians are not in bed together at some point with all the favors and back scratching.

Are we truly represented in the elected offices? If you look at the political races, all you saw was smear campaigns. Makes us feel like we are choosing the lesser evil rather than the best candidate. But what is America's agenda? We hear what the Democrats, Republicans and Republican Jr. (Tea Party) have to say and they still haven't said anything that amounts to anything significant for the American people. We truly need term limits for All elected offices. Just like the office of the President. We have all the back office dealing and ultimately the deal made is a new way of screwing over the American people.

Since nothing is effectively being done anyway, have political parties outlived their usefulness?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Future of our Children

It is being practiced that Children are being allowed to select their gender that they feel they should be. Is this ok or are the parents in violation?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The flipped script

WIth many men being the leaders of the world, most of the CEO's and excutives, do you believe that women would be better in most leadership positions and why?