Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bird in the Hand

Today's society is such a give me give me society. I want what I want no matter the cost. I was asked what allows a man to have a wife and hold tight to a girlfriend? My answer to them was simply...greed.

Most people want more than they can have. The one issue is they hate the risk involved to go for it all. The old saying is "A bird in hand beats two in the bush." The outside the box thinking process says why not the bird in hand and the two in the bush?

When folks have their needs taken care of, they began to look for their wants to be taken care of too! The greed of one will lead to the destruction of many lives. I know the normal theme is cheating with a person. But this could be hanging out with friends and ignoring home. It could be putting faith into drinking and gambling instead of talking to your mate.

Because someone is there for you doesn't mean they will always be. You can put your trust and faith into people that you take for granted and one day...they will wiggle their way out of your hand. People can only take so much.

So no matter what else you want, it's best you take care of your need first. That would be the bird that's in the hand.

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